BCM News

Business Trip to Beijing & Shanghai (2016-03-09 ~ 2016-03-11)

페이지 정보


❏ Title : Business Trip to Beijing & Shanghai

❏ Place : Beijing & Shanghai, China

❏ Participant : Chairman of BCM Executive Committee Koo, Jong Sang, Expert Adviser Lee, Jae Yong

❏ Period : March. 9(Wed) ~ 11(Fri). 2016

❏ Content

   ❍ Publicity about participation of BCM2016

   ❍ Strengthen networking and seek scheme of cooperation with Market





- Introduce about 10th of BCM2016 and request for the major group of China to attend the booth of BCM


▶The State Administration Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of People’s Republic of China

- Set a high value about BCM’s achievement and contribution about Cultural contents and exchanges between Korea and China

-Express support actively for China Television Drama Production Industry Association to participate the booth of BCM




- Introduce about 10th of BCM2016 and attract participation as the booth of BCM



-Welcome visitor and announce actively participation of BCM2016




Yang ZhenHua of Shanghai Film and Television Production Association>



- Introduce about BCM and 10th of BCM2016’s progress

-Request for SFTPA’s major members to attend BCM and participate the booth of BCM


▶ Shanghai Film and Television Production Association

- Many members are interested in BCM2016 and more 30 member representatives in association schedule a participation as a group of buyer and seller at BCM2016.

- More members participate in BCM in the long run and BCM suggest “BCM-SFTPA” MOU for strategic partnership so that BCM and SFTPA’s cooperation is reinforced continuously.

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